Sunday, May 31, 2009
Does any1 play wizard 101? I DO! My guys name is Daniel Firetail. Daniel isnt my real name but they didn't have mine. :( Anyhow i might create a blog for wizard 101! Bye!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
My ?????
My new email is Email me if you want! I might reply! Mewbra dont tell them my other email this is 1 they can send me messages on.
Friday, May 29, 2009
101 posts! and MY BIG GOAL!
This is the 101 post! Woo Hoo! Also I have a new goal for myself! To get 100 b boy shirts! So far i have 7! WOO! Bye.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Attention team members!
Don't forget the meeting! We will all meet, and make a video! Also I will make a header for the blog!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Watch this vid! Click this link to go to the video! I'll get some music later. The adioswap isn't working. They say they have monkeys working on it! Lol that will take a long time!
Another new author!

Another new author it's pinkgirlcpst! congratz! Don't forget about the meeting tomarrow! I'll invite the authors to my place! we'll shoot a video! Also i came up with this thing i pick 3 chobots off my friend list (randomly) 2 that are on and 1 that isn't. And then i pick someone at cafe street on mimo city (randomly). And they each get 1-2 things! here's the winners of this weeks random pick!(above)
random pick
i mist it!
sorry guys i mist moonkees 100 b day party but i did go to hikikomorys shuvle party p.s VZER I AM NOT GANNA POST ONCE A DAY MABEY I AM BUT MABEY IM NOT
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Forget anything?...
Hey guys Its Mewbra123
I have a question to ask...
BTW I am in australia So u dont have to worry people in USA but u do have to worry Tomorrow
If u dont know what it is
Check my first post....
I have a question to ask...
BTW I am in australia So u dont have to worry people in USA but u do have to worry Tomorrow
If u dont know what it is
Check my first post....
Attention team members!
Team members I'm creating a video about improving chobots all team members must be there!
We will do the vid on monday! at 0:00 cho time!
We will do the vid on monday! at 0:00 cho time!
my new friend!
guys i finaly got my first mod friend and that mod is the newest mod!his name is vecna -colorguy-
I made a New Story its called wait i realy made this story out of paper lol.ok its called.... The Case Of The Missiong Chocolate Bar :o.Day 1.(Page 1).one day a 16 year old boy named joe wanted to be a chocolate bar he was waiting in line for 5 days!he was waiting until that 5 days turned night thats when he finaly finnishit building his parashoot to get his order befor he got his order the one who made him wait in line for 5 days was a old man the worke who gives away the chocolate bars annoced''Wake up!!!!''Becuse the old person was sleeping The Old Person Annoced''Ah!!!''Joe holerd''I Want A Chocolate Hershy pleaes.Still day 1(at night)The guy who is ganna steal joes milkshake is his dad!den den den!!!he wanted a drink to go with his chocolate bar but he was to tired to eat his chocolate bar or buy a drink to so he went to 3(day 2)the next day joe forgot where he put his chocolate bar so he looked in the shower, he rememberd he put it in his chocolate volt!he looked evrywear,he could'nt find it he made a chocolate phone to call a detective put he eat it so he just went to the normal phone page 4 after that he called a dectective the detective said'ill be right on the job''!after jow told him all about the probelem then the detective didnot do any work al he did was drink root bear andwhat football guys ill stop right there ill do the rest of the story later -colorguy-
New Mod!
hey guys you now that shuvle party well i was at the shuvle party and i saw a new mod!vecna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vzer's weekly riddle!
OK let's see umm... what is 66+8=?-15=?X3=?+7=what?
winner gets a prize! comment the answer. the first to get the answer wins the prize a or an ???? ????
winner gets a prize! comment the answer. the first to get the answer wins the prize a or an ???? ????
LOL VZER IS THE ONLY ONE WHO VOTED FOR DAILY RIDDLE AND I SAID THANKS IN THE COMMENT LOL!SO THE FIRST DAILY RIDDLE IS......HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM well i dont know im just thinking its ganna be 1+1 its realy hard trick q!its = 11 1+1=11 ok now you know the daily riddle is...5+5 -colorguy-
hi guys i just wanted to say welcom mewbro123!i would like to make dally riddles but we dont have a poll i would like you to vote in comments the things you can say for the vote thingy on the comments are.Yes,No,No Way Dude!Are You Crazy,!Your Goin Nutt Cracks!leav the vote you want to do the dally riddle by!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Mewbra123 the new author!!
Hey guys!!!
This is Mewbra123! I am a new author!!
I am excited!!
Here is some info about me....
Name: Mewbra123
Favourite Colours: Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Purple
Favourite games: Club Penguin, Chobots
Club Penguin name: Mewbra123
Chobots name: Mewbro123
Country (This isn't much Personal info): Australia
That is why I spell colour and favourite like that
Favourite CP server: Beanie
Favourite Chobots server: Mimo City & Chocolate
B'day: 24th of May!! YAY ITS THIS SUNDAY!!!
oh yeh
Visit my site by clicking Here
This is Mewbra123! I am a new author!!
I am excited!!
Here is some info about me....
Name: Mewbra123
Favourite Colours: Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Purple
Favourite games: Club Penguin, Chobots
Club Penguin name: Mewbra123
Chobots name: Mewbro123
Country (This isn't much Personal info): Australia
That is why I spell colour and favourite like that
Favourite CP server: Beanie
Favourite Chobots server: Mimo City & Chocolate
B'day: 24th of May!! YAY ITS THIS SUNDAY!!!
oh yeh
Visit my site by clicking Here
Team member
New team member! It's mewbro123! Hope he'll do great! Also keep up the good work colorguy!
I F P!
WHEN?MAY 24, 2009
WHEN?MAY 24, 2009
sorry ppl
sorry I didn't post yesterday. I had a book report due today and I hadn't really started it! sorry. Also Colorguy is a new member of my blog! I hope he'll do great!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
mummy suit and mimo hoody!
guys i finaly found out how to get a mimo hoody and a mummy suit!to get a mummy suit you must be a citizen in the mounth of may and if you want to know how to get the mimo hoody go to i will be getting a mummy suit this mounth and my account that has a mimo suit is named colorsrock
how to become a agent
hi guys its colorguy and i copyed and pasted this from mcho04s' blog by princes,
Princess’s guide to becoming an agent:
Lot’s of people are asking her STILL on how to become an agent.So, she decided to make a short guide. This guide isn’t like other guides. It tells the real truth of the truth. * It helped me (colorguy) to be aware of the rules you could be breaking! Enjoy!!*
1. Don’t beg or ask. All you chobots walk around like pleading to be an agent! It’s pathetic, and slims your chances so much, that you almost have 0. Desperate is definitely not attractive. And so not agent material.2. Don’t suck up to the other agents and mods. This is a big one. I have so many people come up to me like “Miss Princess, how are you today? Do you need anything?” and once again, it just sounds like your using me. Not only do I permanently remember that person for attempting to use me, I also will not ever be your buddy, or recommend you. If you really want to talk or befriend an agent/mod, be cool. Don’t ask them, don’t beg, just have a normal conversation, like a normal person. Make sure you talk to them when they aren’t so crowded. And ALWAYS by message, NOT by private chat. Messages are a ton easier to keep track of. And most of all, Try to act your age, not your shoe size.3. Don’t always be side-by-side next to popular people. They have enough people crowding them, they don’t need more. Stand your ground by getting a good distance away and chatting up a different chobot.4. Be polite and generally nice to EVERYONE. That even means people who aren’t famous. If someone acts like they really need some clothes, go ahead and just help them out.5. Image is key. How you look in general is always important. Make sure you look nicely put together, and not too much like every other chobot. Strive to stand out so that when someone sees you they will KNOW that its you.that is how you becom a agent i think lol and i am ganna copy and paste another way to become a agent oon the chobots blog see you in like 2 mins.How to Become an Agent in Chobots?
Q: What agents do?
A: Agents always help. They help new Chobots to explore Chobots World. They help moderators to find and ban Nichos who use bad words or cheat. They help to develop Chobots world and spread news about it in their blogs and invite their friends.
Q: What preferences agents have?
A: Basically, agents do not have additional preferences. It is a voluntary work. But they are the most trustful Chobots and they have own badge. Also, they can draw the wall, since we know they will create only great art. Have a look what one of our agents created!
Q: How to become an agent?
A: First, you should learn the rules and secrets of Chobots world. Be patient, because it takes time. Usually it takes a month to become an agent. But for most active Chobots it can be done in a couple of weeks! Secondly, become a friend of one of our agents and help them, so they recommend you. Also, you need to do something cool like inviting your friends or making a blog or a short real about Chobots. And finally, you should ask a moderator to make you an agent. And of course, you should look nice, lol! :)
Note: Please ask your parents before making any of these activities.
Q: Who is Chobot?
A: You don't know Chobot? LOL! He is our first and still the greatest agent so far. He's in Chobots since 11th of October and we should thank to him for making our Chobots world better!
oh and the last step says "you should ask a mod to be a agent"Pleaes dont do that go!${chobot$} and other mods told me dont ask to be a agent and i never did oh and in there it says "Have a look at one of our agents created!the person who made that pictrue was princes({$chobots$}sister made a poster that says princes on the wall i was there when they pposted that but i was'nt in the pictrue it was on my other account my other account is more than 150 days old his name was chaldo190 that was my first account and my account on clubpenguin is chaldoboy
Princess’s guide to becoming an agent:
Lot’s of people are asking her STILL on how to become an agent.So, she decided to make a short guide. This guide isn’t like other guides. It tells the real truth of the truth. * It helped me (colorguy) to be aware of the rules you could be breaking! Enjoy!!*
1. Don’t beg or ask. All you chobots walk around like pleading to be an agent! It’s pathetic, and slims your chances so much, that you almost have 0. Desperate is definitely not attractive. And so not agent material.2. Don’t suck up to the other agents and mods. This is a big one. I have so many people come up to me like “Miss Princess, how are you today? Do you need anything?” and once again, it just sounds like your using me. Not only do I permanently remember that person for attempting to use me, I also will not ever be your buddy, or recommend you. If you really want to talk or befriend an agent/mod, be cool. Don’t ask them, don’t beg, just have a normal conversation, like a normal person. Make sure you talk to them when they aren’t so crowded. And ALWAYS by message, NOT by private chat. Messages are a ton easier to keep track of. And most of all, Try to act your age, not your shoe size.3. Don’t always be side-by-side next to popular people. They have enough people crowding them, they don’t need more. Stand your ground by getting a good distance away and chatting up a different chobot.4. Be polite and generally nice to EVERYONE. That even means people who aren’t famous. If someone acts like they really need some clothes, go ahead and just help them out.5. Image is key. How you look in general is always important. Make sure you look nicely put together, and not too much like every other chobot. Strive to stand out so that when someone sees you they will KNOW that its you.that is how you becom a agent i think lol and i am ganna copy and paste another way to become a agent oon the chobots blog see you in like 2 mins.How to Become an Agent in Chobots?
Q: What agents do?
A: Agents always help. They help new Chobots to explore Chobots World. They help moderators to find and ban Nichos who use bad words or cheat. They help to develop Chobots world and spread news about it in their blogs and invite their friends.
Q: What preferences agents have?
A: Basically, agents do not have additional preferences. It is a voluntary work. But they are the most trustful Chobots and they have own badge. Also, they can draw the wall, since we know they will create only great art. Have a look what one of our agents created!
Q: How to become an agent?
A: First, you should learn the rules and secrets of Chobots world. Be patient, because it takes time. Usually it takes a month to become an agent. But for most active Chobots it can be done in a couple of weeks! Secondly, become a friend of one of our agents and help them, so they recommend you. Also, you need to do something cool like inviting your friends or making a blog or a short real about Chobots. And finally, you should ask a moderator to make you an agent. And of course, you should look nice, lol! :)
Note: Please ask your parents before making any of these activities.
Q: Who is Chobot?
A: You don't know Chobot? LOL! He is our first and still the greatest agent so far. He's in Chobots since 11th of October and we should thank to him for making our Chobots world better!
oh and the last step says "you should ask a mod to be a agent"Pleaes dont do that go!${chobot$} and other mods told me dont ask to be a agent and i never did oh and in there it says "Have a look at one of our agents created!the person who made that pictrue was princes({$chobots$}sister made a poster that says princes on the wall i was there when they pposted that but i was'nt in the pictrue it was on my other account my other account is more than 150 days old his name was chaldo190 that was my first account and my account on clubpenguin is chaldoboy
new contest!
hey guys chobots started a new contest!the contest was chest and in my group the one thats winning is.....BOBLONGA!
new aurthour!
hey guys im the new aurthour!my chobots name is colorguy i have 2 blogs this log and my blog its called Color Guys' Blog For Chobots its pretty cool you should check it out.i will be makeing a party soon i am tradeing my chlos t-shirt for good items!like a carrot or something like that i cant wait till i get the mummy suit!right now on chobots im online but i dont know how to put pictrues and tr ackers but i forgot how to put polls so pleaes leav commentas at sites to show you how to put pictrues and trackers and polls or you can just tell me how to.anyhow im online i all ready said that wait did i say my age?oh ii did not my age on chobots is 13 PEAC!!!
-colorguy- p.s if you are reading this and you can post on the chobots blog pleaes invite me to the chobots blog my email is pleaes
-colorguy- p.s if you are reading this and you can post on the chobots blog pleaes invite me to the chobots blog my email is pleaes
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Chobot forum!
There's a new chobot forum! Check it out at Send me a message when you join if you want! I'm Vzer on it!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cool new updates! Furniture is availible for juniors! There is a new game for citizens called chothrow at the park! There also is new citizen magic! AND if you buy a citizenship this month you get a mummy costume! AND! you can see everyone's chobot name!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Chess contest!
There's a chess contest! 1st place gets: 2 week citizenship + 10,000 bugs!
2nd place gets: 1 week citizenship + 5,000 bugs!
and 3rd place gets 1 week citizenship!
2nd place gets: 1 week citizenship + 5,000 bugs!
and 3rd place gets 1 week citizenship!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Cp cheat site!
I'm starting my cp cheat site again! I'll work on it later! bye!
Club penguin
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
ppl murcielago1 has to join by the end of may. If he doesn't he won't be on the team.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Bunny hero labs adopt a pet!
Hey ppl you know the pets I have on the side. I got them from bunny hero labs. If you want one you have to be doing blogger, wordpress, myspace, hi5, etc. Anyway if you want one go to Bye!
other things
Anyone know Mcho04 he's following me. He pretty much quit chobots. If you want to see why go to Bye!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I'm righting a story for school. When I'm finished ill post the story and what it's called. Bye!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I joined buildabear yesterday. I got 2 bears. I found this money glitch on it. To do it you need to get a fishing pole. Go to paw park, and go fishing. Then catch any type of fish exept for a minnow or perch. Cash in the fish by clicking the tent. Cash in your fish then open your bag then close it. Quit fishing then enter it again. Catch any fish exept for a minnow. Then cash that fish in and open your bag. The fish should still be there. If it is you did it correctly. Get a full bag of fish and then keep cashing them in. P.S my guys name is EricBearHug6 also Eric isn't my real name. Bye!
Sunday, May 3, 2009

I got into a fight with my friend Shocko yesterday. I had cops going after me like mad! It's still going on! Tell everyone you know on chobots. Tell them to tell all their friends too. Let's make a mad chase for me! Bye! P.S. It wasn't like a fight that we deleted each other. It was just like *punches* or *kicks*.
Friday, May 1, 2009
New Citizen!
Well, I'm finally gonna become a citizen on chobots, but not yet! I have a free citizen ship for two more days, but I asked my mom if I could get a citizenship and she said yes! But my dad has to in the credit card number so I can get the citizenship. Unfortunatly, my dad was apparently "too exauseted" and that he "just sat down" on the couch! So those of you that have seen me and hoped I was a citizen....I'm going to be one! Over and out!
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